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Church Address: 38 Weston Avenue, Quincy MA
Phone: 617-479-3531
Website: www.cbcogb.org
Email: cbcogb@hotmail.com
Other Church Web Sites:
新英格蘭地區華人教會 New England Chinese Churches
美加華人浸信會聯會 Chinese Baptist Fellowship of United States and Canada
On behalf of our church congregation, we welcome you to join us in our meetings and ministries. We are committed to help believers to grow into Christian maturity, discover their gifts for services and experience the blessings that GOD promises for His obedient children.
We endeavor to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our community and actively bring all people to have a personal faith in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior. You are welcome to call us at 617-479-3531 and share our faith in Jesus Christ.
CBCOGB Church Council
Church Affiliation
Our church was established in Newton in 1982. In 1987, we moved to Quincy. Currently our average church attendance includes 110 adults and 40 youths and children. Our church originates from Southern Baptist Convention. We are members of Baptist Convention of New England and Greater Boston Baptist Association. In 1991, we joined the Converge Northeast.
Baptist Convention of New England
Greater Boston Baptist Association